Table of contents
Ontologies (1):
Territorial Statistical Nomenclature Ontology
Classes (14):
bfo:Continuant , bfo:Occurrent , geosparql:Feature , Level , LevelVersion , Nomenclature , NomenclatureVersion , Territory , TerritoryVersion , TSNComponent , TSNFeature , Unit , UnitVersion , Version
Properties (25):
belongsToLevelVersion , covers , dcterms:description , dcterms:identifier , dcterms:isVersionOf , dcterms:rights , dcterms:source , hasAcronym , hasDescription , hasDivision , hasGeometry , hasIdentifier , hasMember , hasName , hasSubFeature , hasSuperFeature , hasVersion , isCoveredBy , isDivisionOf , isMemberOf , isVersionOf , nomenclatureVersionSource , pav:hasVersion , referencePeriod , versionRights
Ontologies Outgoing Links:
PAV , GeoSPARQL , DCterms , BFO , OWL-Time
Individuals (4):
individual1767933877 , individual1767933878 , individual1767933918 , individual1767933919
We present in this document the TSN Ontology ( Territorial Statistical Nomenclature Ontology ) to describe any Territorial Statistical Nomenclature i.e., partitions of space into territorial units (e.g. administrative, electoral, statistical units) used as a suppport to the collect of socio-economic statistics.
Diagrams of the ontology
TSN Components
TSN Feature
TSN Mains classes
TSN-Change Change Bridge Structure - Description of Territorial changes, using the TSN and TSN-Change Ontologies
This work was supported by the French region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes [grant number REGION 2015-DRH-0367]. ARC7 : Innovations, mobilités, territoires et dynamiques urbaines.
Territorial Statistical Nomenclature Ontology (Ontology)
This ontology allows describing any Territorial Statistical Nomenclature (TSN) i.e., partition of the territory (electoral, administrative, statistical, etc.) used as a support to the collection and restitution of statistical data (e.g., describing a territory in terms of population, unemployement rate, transport access, etc.).
Version Control information
- Version
- 1.1
- Last modified
- Issued
- Creators
- Publishers
- License
The URI of this ontology is
Preferred Namespace URI |
Preferred Prefix |
bfo:Continuant , bfo:Occurrent , geosparql:Feature , Level , LevelVersion , Nomenclature , NomenclatureVersion , Territory , TerritoryVersion , TSNComponent , TSNFeature , Unit , UnitVersion , Version
bfo:Continuant (OWL Class)
A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity (SNAP) (Grenon and Smith definition).
This class is a super class of | Level Nomenclature Territory Unit |
bfo:Occurrent (OWL Class)
An occurrent is an entity that unfolds itself in time or it is the instantaneous boundary of such an entity (for example a beginning or an ending) or it is a temporal or spatiotemporal region which such an entity occupies_temporal_region or occupies_spatiotemporal_region (SPAN) (Grenon and Smith definition).
This class is a super class of | Version |
geosparql:Feature (OWL Class)
This class represents the top-level feature type. This class is equivalent to GFI_Feature defined in ISO 19156, and it is superclass of all feature types (OGC definition).
This class is a super class of | TSNFeature |
Level (OWL Class)
The Level concept describes a level of observation of the Territory defined within the Nomenclature. Several levels of observation may be defined (e.g., region or district levels)
The URI of this class is
This class is a sub class of | bfo:Continuant TSNComponent |
LevelVersion (OWL Class)
The LevelVersion concept describes a unique representation of a Level, stable for a period of time. This period of time is inherited from the reference period of the NomenclatureVersion the LevelVersion belongs to.
The URI of this class is
This class is a sub class of | TSNFeature Version |
In use
This class is used in | belongsToLevelVersion hasDivision hasMember isDivisionOf isMemberOf |
Nomenclature (OWL Class)
The Nomenclature concept describes an abstract representation of the subdivisions of a territory into Levels and Territorial Units (i.e. also called 'Structure'). A Nomenclature can be seen as a hierarchy of sets of Units with at least one Level. It is designed to answer administrative, electoral and especially statistical needs.
The URI of this class is
This class is a sub class of | TSNComponent bfo:Continuant |
NomenclatureVersion (OWL Class)
The NomenclatureVersion concept describes a unique representation of a Nomenclature, stable for a period of time. Stability ensures that statistical data refer to the same territorial units for a certain period of time (source (i.e., the reference period of the NomenclatureVersion).
The URI of this class is
This class is a sub class of | Version |
In use
This class is used in | covers hasDivision isCoveredBy isDivisionOf nomenclatureVersionSource versionRights |
Territory (OWL Class)
The Territory concept describes an abstract representation of a portion of geographic space that is claimed or occupied by a person or group of persons or by an institution (source For instance, the European Union is a territory, the Grenoble metropole is a territory, etc.
The URI of this class is
This class is a sub class of | TSNComponent bfo:Continuant |
TerritoryVersion (OWL Class)
The TerritoryVersion concept describes a unique representation of a Territory at a specified period of time. As the boundaries of a territory may vary (e.g., fusion with another territory), it results succesives versions of it. A territory may have as many versions as it underwent modifications. For instance, the European Union of 27 and the European Union of 28 member states are two versions of the European Union territory.
The URI of this class is
This class is a sub class of | TSNFeature UnitVersion |
In use
This class is used in | covers isCoveredBy |
TSNComponent (OWL Class)
The TSNComponent concept is the super class of any concepts of the TSN ontology.
The URI of this class is
This class is a super class of | Level Nomenclature Territory TSNFeature Unit Version |
In use
This class is used in | hasAcronym hasDescription hasIdentifier hasName hasVersion isVersionOf |
TSNFeature (OWL Class)
The TSNFeature concept is the super class of features of a TSN (i.e., a geographic resource). The features of a TSN may be TerritoryVersion, LevelVersion and UnitVersion resources. The TSNFeature concept is a sub class of the geosparql:Feature concept of the OGC Geosparql ontology (please consult for a definition of this concept)
The URI of this class is
This class is a sub class of | TSNComponent |
This class is a super class of | LevelVersion TerritoryVersion UnitVersion |
In use
This class is used in | hasGeometry hasSubFeature hasSuperFeature |
Unit (OWL Class)
The Unit concept describes a piece of geographic space that belongs to one Level of a Nomenclature, and may in turn contain sub-units (or not, if the unit belongs to the lowest level of the nomenclature). Statistical observation are made on Unit.
The URI of this class is
This class is a sub class of | TSNComponent bfo:Continuant |
UnitVersion (OWL Class)
The UnitVersion concept describes a unique representation of a Unit, stable for a period of time. This period of time is inherited from the reference period of the NomenclatureVersion the UnitVersion belongs to.
The URI of this class is
This class is a sub class of | TSNFeature Version |
This class is a super class of | TerritoryVersion |
In use
This class is used in | belongsToLevelVersion hasMember isMemberOf |
Version (OWL Class)
The Version concept describes one Version of a TSNComponent, valid for a period of time. A Version resource hold all the attributs of a TSNComponent that may vary, i.e., all attributs except those that hold the identity of the resource (i.e. Identifier of the TSNComponent). The Version concept is closed to the TimeSlice concept of ontologies of fluent.
The URI of this class is
This class is a sub class of | TSNComponent bfo:Occurrent |
This class is a super class of | LevelVersion NomenclatureVersion TerritoryVersion UnitVersion |
In use
This class is used in | hasVersion isVersionOf referencePeriod |
belongsToLevelVersion , covers , dcterms:description , dcterms:identifier , dcterms:isVersionOf , dcterms:rights , dcterms:source , hasAcronym , hasDescription , hasDivision , hasGeometry , hasIdentifier , hasMember , hasName , hasSubFeature , hasSuperFeature , hasVersion , isCoveredBy , isDivisionOf , isMemberOf , isVersionOf , nomenclatureVersionSource , pav:hasVersion , referencePeriod , versionRights
belongsToLevelVersion (Property)
Deprecated Property, <> property is now preferred. Indicates the LevelVersion the described UnitVersion resource belongs to.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | |
The domain of this property is | UnitVersion |
The range of this property is | LevelVersion |
covers (Property)
Indicates a TerritoryVersion covered by a NomenclatureVersion i.e., the TerritoryVersion is the spatial applicability of the NomenclatureVersion.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | isCoveredBy |
The domain of this property is | NomenclatureVersion |
The range of this property is | TerritoryVersion |
dcterms:description (Property)
Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.
Version Control information
- Last modified
- Issued
The URI of this property is
This property is a super property of | hasDescription |
dcterms:identifier (Property)
Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
Version Control information
- Last modified
- Issued
The URI of this property is
The range of this property is | rdfs:Literal |
This property is a super property of | hasIdentifier |
In use
This property is defined by dcterm:
dcterms:isVersionOf (Property)
Changes in version imply substantive changes in content rather than differences in format.
Version Control information
- Last modified
- Issued
The URI of this property is
This property is a super property of | isVersionOf |
In use
This property is defined by dcterm:
dcterms:rights (Property)
Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights.
Version Control information
- Last modified
- Issued
The URI of this property is
The range of this property is | dcterm:RightsStatement |
This property is a super property of | versionRights |
In use
This property is defined by dcterm:
dcterms:source (Property)
The described resource may be derived from the related resource in whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to identify the related resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
Version Control information
- Last modified
- Issued
The URI of this property is
This property is a super property of | nomenclatureVersionSource |
In use
This property is defined by dcterm:
hasAcronym (Property)
Indicates an Acronym of a TSNComponent (e.g., EU27 is the prefered acronym used to designate the European Union made of 27 members).
The URI of this property is
The domain of this property is | TSNComponent |
The range of this property is | rdfs:Literal |
hasDescription (Property)
Indicates a Description of a TSNComponent. It may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the TSNComponent.
The URI of this property is
The domain of this property is | TSNComponent |
This property is a sub property of | dcterms:description |
hasDivision (Property)
Indicates a division (LevelVersion) in the NomenclatureVersion hierarchy.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | isDivisionOf |
The domain of this property is | NomenclatureVersion |
The range of this property is | LevelVersion |
This property is a equivalent property of | |
hasGeometry (Property)
Indicates a Geometry of a spatial resource (i.e., TSNFeature (TerritoryVersion, LevelVersion or UnitVersion) resource)
The URI of this property is
The domain of this property is | TSNFeature |
The range of this property is | |
hasIdentifier (Property)
Indicates an unambiguous reference to a TSNComponent, throughout the TSN versions. This attribut holds the identity of the TSNComponent i.e., if this identifier changes then the TSNComponent ceases to exist.
The URI of this property is
The domain of this property is | TSNComponent |
The range of this property is | rdfs:Literal |
This property is a sub property of | dcterms:identifier |
hasMember (Property)
Indicates a UnitVersion that belongs to the described LevelVersion.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | isMemberOf |
The domain of this property is | LevelVersion |
The range of this property is | UnitVersion |
This property is a equivalent property of | |
hasName (Property)
Indicates the Name of a TSNComponent.
The URI of this property is
The domain of this property is | TSNComponent |
The range of this property is | rdfs:Literal |
hasSubFeature (Property)
Indicates the TSNFeature that is immediately below the described TSNFeature.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | hasSuperFeature |
The domain of this property is | TSNFeature |
The range of this property is | TSNFeature |
This property is a equivalent property of | |
hasSuperFeature (Property)
Indicates the TSNFeature that is immediately above the described TSNFeature.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | hasSubFeature |
The domain of this property is | TSNFeature |
The range of this property is | TSNFeature |
This property is a equivalent property of | |
hasVersion (Property)
Indicates a resource is a Version, edition, or adaptation of the described resource.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | isVersionOf |
The domain of this property is | TSNComponent |
The range of this property is | Version |
This property is a sub property of | pav:hasVersion |
isCoveredBy (Property)
Indicates a NomenclatureVersion that covers a TerritoryVersion i.e., the TerritoryVersion is the spatial applicability of the NomenclatureVersion.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | covers |
The domain of this property is | TerritoryVersion |
The range of this property is | NomenclatureVersion |
isDivisionOf (Property)
Indicates the NomenclatureVersion which a LevelVersion resource divides.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | hasDivision |
The domain of this property is | LevelVersion |
The range of this property is | NomenclatureVersion |
This property is a equivalent property of | |
isMemberOf (Property)
Indicates the LevelVersion the described UnitVersion resource belongs to.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | hasMember |
The domain of this property is | UnitVersion |
The range of this property is | LevelVersion |
isVersionOf (Property)
Indicates a TSNComponent of which the described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation.
The URI of this property is
This property is a inverse property of | hasVersion |
The domain of this property is | Version |
The range of this property is | TSNComponent |
This property is a sub property of | dcterms:isVersionOf |
nomenclatureVersionSource (Property)
A related resource from which the described resource is derived. Example: European Commission -
The URI of this property is
The domain of this property is | NomenclatureVersion |
This property is a sub property of | dcterms:source |
pav:hasVersion (Property)
This resource has a more specific, versioned resource. This property is intended for relating a non-versioned or abstract resource to several versioned resources, e.g. snapshots. For instance, if there are two snapshots of the News page, made on 23rd and 24th of December, then: <> pav:hasVersion <> ; pav:hasVersion <> . If one of the versions has somewhat the equivalent content to this resource (e.g. can be used as a permalink for this resource), then it should instead be indicated with the subproperty pav:hasCurrentVersion: <> pav:hasCurrentVersion < > . To order the versions, use pav:previousVersion: <> pav:previousVersion < 2013-12-24/> . <> pav:previousVersion <> . Note that it might be confusing to also indicate pav:previousVersion from a resource that has pav:hasVersion relations, as such a resource is intended to be a long-living 'unversioned' resource. The PAV ontology does however not formally restrict this, to cater for more complex scenarios with multiple abstraction levels. pav:hasVersion is a subproperty of dcterms:hasVersion to more strongly define this hierarchical pattern. It is therefore also a subproperty of pav:generalizationOf (inverse of prov:specializationOf). To indicate the existence of other, non-hierarchical kind of editions and adaptations of this resource that are not versioned snapshots (e.g. Powerpoint slides has a video recording version), use instead dcterms:hasVersion or prov:alternateOf.
The URI of this property is
This property is a super property of | hasVersion |
In use
This property is defined by
referencePeriod (Property)
Indicates the period of time (i.e., Interval defined with two point in time <> and <>) to which a Version resource is stable and considered as the official one.
The URI of this property is
The domain of this property is | Version |
The range of this property is | |
versionRights (Property)
Information about rights held in and over the resource. Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights.
The URI of this property is
The domain of this property is | NomenclatureVersion |
The range of this property is | dcterm:RightsStatement |
This property is a sub property of | dcterms:rights |
individual1767933877 , individual1767933878 , individual1767933918 , individual1767933919
individual1767933877 (Individual)
{{No description available}}
individual1767933878 (Individual)
{{No description available}}
individual1767933918 (Individual)
{{No description available}}
individual1767933919 (Individual)
{{No description available}}
- Level
- Level
- LevelVersion
- LevelVersion
- Nomenclature
- Nomenclature
- NomenclatureVersion
- NomenclatureVersion
- TSNComponent
- TSNComponent
- TSNFeature
- TSNFeature
- Territorial Statistical Nomenclature Ontology
- Territorial Statistical Nomenclature Ontology
- Territory
- Territory
- TerritoryVersion
- TerritoryVersion
- Unit
- Unit
- UnitVersion
- UnitVersion
- Version
- Version
- belongsToLevelVersion
- belongsToLevelVersion
- covers
- covers
- dcterms:description
- dcterms:description
- dcterms:identifier
- dcterms:identifier
- dcterms:isVersionOf
- dcterms:isVersionOf
- dcterms:rights
- dcterms:rights
- dcterms:source
- dcterms:source
- hasAcronym
- hasAcronym
- hasDescription
- hasDescription
- hasDivision
- hasDivision
- hasGeometry
- hasGeometry
- hasIdentifier
- hasIdentifier
- hasMember
- hasMember
- hasName
- hasName
- hasSubFeature
- hasSubFeature
- hasSuperFeature
- hasSuperFeature
- hasVersion
- hasVersion
- isCoveredBy
- isCoveredBy
- isDivisionOf
- isDivisionOf
- isMemberOf
- isMemberOf
- isVersionOf
- isVersionOf
- nomenclatureVersionSource
- nomenclatureVersionSource
- pav:hasVersion
- pav:hasVersion
- referencePeriod
- referencePeriod
- versionRights
- versionRights